We are glad to announce that our Project Partner University of Ikiam in Ecuador has been the first to receive official approval from the National Higher Education Board (Consejo de Educacion Superior) for the Master’s in Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development.
“This postgraduate program is a contribution from the academy to the current climate crisis that compromises the natural balance of ecosystems, food security and the availability of water for vulnerable communities and human groups in tropical areas of Ecuador and Perù. The particularities of this international program is that the MACCARD consortium will generate exchanges of teachers and students to generate knowledge at the level of the Upper Amazon, explains María Gabriela Zurita, MACCARD coordinator for IKIAM”.
For more information have a look to the article at: https://ikiam.edu.ec/noticias/index.php/ikiam-primera-universidad-en-ofertar-programa-de-maestria-para-responder-a-los-retos-climaticos/?fbclid=IwAR2KkcNJJTMyBa2fbGslCHRk1ic9JWeTGiEI6A8vB5xXETRfC748Z3KsPDA